
Welcome to the Challenge Club!

The concept is simple: with a passion for growing people we developed a high impact personal & professional growth program.

Our Challenge Club is built for people who are ready to face their next challenge. Our members join the club with an ambition to fulfil, an important decision to make or an exciting discovery in front of them. We help to develop a rough journey path and support with coaching and input along the way. The club members network, exchange, support and challenge each other – both when sharing similarities and in learning from differences. All club members so far made significant steps and make us awe and applaud for their development during one (or two) club seasons.

How the Club works

  1. We form club chapters of 6 to 10 members
  2. We agree on duration (overall and per meeting) and intensity
  3. We define what happens between meet-ups (e.g. individual field- work, individual coaching, buddy-coaching, continuous exchange and inspiration via a social platform, formal training, retreats).
  4. We map the path and start.

The following design principles guide us:

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